Monday, December 14, 2009

What's Going On (the short version)

On Saturday, my dad (I call him dad, some call him Gene, others know him as Leonard) had a heart attack. It started at home in Tahoe, he was taken by ambulance to Barton Memorial, then ground-transported to Renown Medical Center in Reno, where he had an emergency triple-bypass. It's now Monday and he is still in critical condition, but he seems to be moving in the right direction. It's all still very much touch-and-go.

I am here, as well as Ron and Desmond, Kathy, my sister Jana, her son Brian, and Kathy's siblings Ken and Terry. We're holding out hope that everything's going to turn out well.

I don't know when I'll be home - not for another week at least. Ron and Desmond will probably be going home on Wednesday.

I will post updates here as I can, and I'll post the long-version of what happened soon.

Please send positive thoughts, good vibes, prayers, or whatever works for you. We all really appreciate it.

Much love,


  1. Sara, I am sooooooo sorry to hear about your dad. I know EXACTLY how you feel as I have been in Stockton for the last week for the exact same reason. My dad had open heart surgery as well. He went into the hospital for a routine visit to find out how to repair an abdominal aortic aneurysm only to find that his ventricles were 95% blocked and would need a triple bypass as well. They did both the open heart and abdominal surgery all at once. He was in surgery for about nine hours. He has been in the ICU for the last five days but hopefully will be well enough to be put in a regular room today. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please send him my best wishes and love. Gosh,I always had the best time with you and him when we were kids!

    Nicole Yescas

  2. He is going to get better. He seems like the kind of person who could get through anything. Good thoughts for you and we hope he improves as each minute passes. Love you Jana Cyndi and boys

  3. Sara,
    My dad asked that I pass along his best wishes to your dad. They worked together in the probation department decades ago!


  4. Hey Nicole -

    I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. What a shock! How is he doing now?

    My dad was so excited to see your photos on Facebook and to hear about how you were doing. I'll be sure to pass on you and your dad's good wishes and love when he wakes up.

    My warmest, happiest thoughts to you and your family. I have lots of fond memories of all of you guys too.

    Thanks, and lotsa love -
