Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Stable sinus rhythm!

A few hours ago dad's heart rate suddenly plopped down into a normal
sinus rhythm. As Jana and I were talking, we glanced at the monitor
(something we do instinctively every few seconds at this point) and
realized that his heart rate was at 69. This is a good thing, and means
that the Digoxin is doing it's job and dad is responding to the medicine.
As I type, his heart rate is holding steady at 63.
Keep up the good work dad!

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see this good news about your dad's heart rate. I'm sure being there is superstressful, but reading your posts from afar it does seem that things are slowly but pretty steadily getting better. I'm glad you got some sleep, and hope that continues. Hospitals and illness are so exhausting to be around -- I'm sure I don't need to tell you! We're thinking about you and your dad a lot, we miss you, and we're sending you and your family our best.

    Bridget & Julia
