Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday Night Notes

The G-tube (feeding tube) seems to be working well, and the trach is really clean and well done, so the nurses tell me.

Dad's been on a lot less sedative today, and he is definitely more agitated. Just tonight he's pulled the IV out of his neck and the ventilator tube out of his trach 3 times! But he also seems more alert, and perhaps a bit more responsive. And that's a good thing. It's just hard to watch him struggle.

His blood pressure's been pretty high this evening, probably due to his agitation. But they're keeping an eye on it and trying to manage it with blood pressure meds, as opposed to just sedating him. Another good thing.

Finally, they are talking about moving dad to Tahoe Pacific Hospital West, an "Acute Care Hospital for the Medically Complex Patient." It's located at St. Mary's hospital in downtown Reno, and after touring it today we think it would probably be a good idea to get him over there ASAP. They specialize in post-surgical care, ventilator weaning, and respiratory management, so it seems like a good fit. He may move as early as tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.

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