Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Nothing much new to report. Dad's condition seems to be almost exactly the same: heart rate and blood pressure look good, he's on CPAP on the ventilator (meaning he's initiating his own breaths), but he's still very agitated and unresponsive.

He moves around so much, he's starting to get cuts and bruises on his arms and legs from hitting them against things. And he's looking pretty skinny - he's expending so much energy with his constant motion, yet he's not able to take in that much nutrition through his G-tube.

They're going to take him for an ultrasound some time today - his skin is still yellow and his bilirubin is elevated. So they just want to take another look at his gallbladder and liver.

I've been feeling pretty depressed the last few days. Something about the move to the new facility, the apparent stall in progress, and the approach of Christmas is making me want to crawl into a hole. Tonight we're all (Kathy, Ken, Gina, Jana, Brian, me, Ron, Desmond, Lynne) going out to dinner together at the Circus Circus Steakhouse - I'm hoping that will pull me out of my funk.

Tomorrow morning I'm leaving town, but I'll be back Sunday or Monday. I'll be sure to get daily updates from Kathy and post them here.

Happy Christmas Eve everybody. Hope your hearts are light, your Yule-tide is gay, and your troubles are miles away.


  1. We are still praying for your Dad and family every day. Have Merry Christmas(I know it's hard with all that is going on, but try. He would want you to.) I must look at this Blog every hour to see what is going on. It has really been a help for me to keep informed on his progress.


  2. Hang in there. Wish we were closer. Mal and I are in San Antonio, Texas having Christmas with Stephanie, Dan and his family.
    Sending you lots of love and Wishes for a Christmas Miracle.
    Francy Curry

  3. Thanks Alan, I will definitely try to have a good Christmas. I think leaving for a few days will probably help me to reboot my mood.

    I'm glad the bog has been helpful to you - I think writing it has definitely been good for me. Cathartic.

    Merry Christmas!


  4. Thanks Francy. Wishing you guys a wonderful holiday! - Sara

  5. Sara, I can see why it'd be depressing to have your dad's situation move from the crisis stage -- when it's still new and things generally seem to be moving forward -- to this next, slower stage, with him in a longer-term facility and you facing this phase of his healing. Plus being there at Christmas -- that's a lot to deal with! I'm so glad you're writing this blog, both for you and for us to know what's happening. (Though I could have done without that disgusting spittoon joke . . . )

    I hope dinner tonight cheers you up, and I also hope you'll be really kind and understanding with yourself about being depressed. You're going through something that would wear out and bring down anyone, and need to give yourself a break any way you can.

    Best from Julia and me,
