Friday, December 18, 2009


Dr. Linkus, the surgeon, came in and told Kathy that the head CT scan looked good and showed no evidence of bad things (like a stroke). The EEG results are, amazingly, still not back. Or at least no one has told us about them.

Heart rate and blood pressure are looking good. The heart rate jumped up into the low 100s for a while earlier today, but is now stable in the 60s.

Dad's currently on full ventilator support and a medium level of sedation. He seems restful.

His lungs are looking a little funky, and they're thinking he might be getting pneumonia. Not uncommon for someone who's not moving and on a ventilator, but not great news. Depending on tests and tomorrow's chest x-ray, they may soon put him on some antibiotics, and Dr. Linkus thinks this is another good reason to give him a tracheotomy.

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