Friday, December 18, 2009

Story from Alan

Alan: "Ask him if he remembers when we were kids and pee'd in a bucket instead of going in the house. We put the bucket on a shelf and to make a long story short, it spilled all over me. Gene thought that was very funny............ I didn't................................."

Sara: He definitely remembers this story Alan, as he's told it to all of us many, many times. It cracks him up to this day. Personally, I love imagining two little boys having so much fun playing outside that they would rather pee in a bucket than go indoors. If we remember the story correctly, the bucket had lots and lots and LOTS of pee in it, and had been sitting on that shelf for some time. Dad told us that you "shrieked" when the pee rained down on you - not that I blame you - but it's just like my dad to bring the details to life. ; )

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