Sunday, January 3, 2010

Goodbye to the trach

I'm back at home in San Leandro, and I'll be here until Friday, when we'll go back up to Reno for the weekend. So for now, I get daily updates from Kathy via phone. She says that:

They took dad's trach out today. All the way out! As in, no more trach! The respiratory folks decided that he was doing a great job breathing on his own, so they just popped it out and stuck a bandage on his neck - no stitches required. Dad says he's glad to see the "dog collar" go.

They still aren't letting him eat or drink anything, but hopefully they'll perform another swallow test soon and start letting him eat ice chips, at least. The other day I asked him what he wanted for his first meal, and he said "a tall glass of water." I can't imagine what it must feel like to have no liquids going into your mouth for weeks. Rather unpleasant, I'm guessing.

Dad got to take a shower today for the first time, which made him real happy.

The doctors are very pleased with his progress. The internist mentioned that she's hoping to be able to release dad in the next week or two. Kathy's thinking that they'll get a room at an extended-stay hotel in Reno for a month or so after he's released, so they can be near the doctors and hospitals for appointments.

I'm still astounded by the progress he makes daily. He's one strong dude. Makes me proud.

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